Monticello Ave Feedback

What's Happening?

The Jersey City Department of Transportation Planning has developed short-term safety plan for Monticello Avenue. This "paint-only" plan includes quick improvements like pedestrian island markings, outlines of curb extensions, and signage before a permanent redesign is implemented.

We want your feedback before the plan is finalized and submitted to Transportation Planning in mid-March. Your input will help ensure community concerns are addressed.

How to Provide Feedback on the Plan

📢 IMPORTANT: This process works best on a computer. While you can view the plan on a phone, leaving comments is much easier on a computer or laptop.

To submit feedback, you'll need a Google (Gmail) account. This allows you to leave comments directly on the plan. Follow these steps:

Your comments will be reviewed before the total community feedback is submitted. Please keep the feedback constructive and specific to ensure it's useful in shaping the final design.